If you are a plumber/bathroom product store owner/house developer/interior designer/decorator/builder......etc related parties and eagerly expecting a good price to make a bigger margin from your business, we are the one you are looking for.We source our products from China/Turkey/Poland etc overseas biggest suppliers.
Benefits of trading with us:
- Steady and reliable stock, you can count on us
- Dedicated account manager to help
- Fast and convenient delivery service, delivery date and time are decided by you
- Dedicated trade account manager assist your business
- First to know our new products and price
- Latest stock list and price update
- Latest sale information, extra discount on top of you trade price
- Any other ways which you want to business with us
Don't let go this opportunity, you will be more success by doing business with us. please contact:
Email: admin@modernsplash.co.uk
Monday to Friday 9Am to 17:00Pm, won't let you wait more than 24hours and let you down.